Accessing Encrypted Google Cloud Files Google Cloud's console does not have any provision for decrypting files. You will have to use the 'gsutil' and our 'GenerateGCKey' command-line tools.

TNCS-0048 – Accessing Encrypted Google Cloud Files

Created: August 24, 2020

If you encrypted files using a client-supplied encryption key, you’ll have to decrypt them using the Google Cloud console. Unlike Amazon, Google Cloud’s console does not have any provision for decrypting files. You will have to use the ‘gsutil’ and our ‘GenerateGCKey’ command-line tools.


The Encoded Key is supplied wherever you see “[YOUR_ENCRYPTION_KEY].”

GenerateGCKey TOOL

GenerateGCKey is a command line tool used to create the encoded key. The usage is simple: ./GenerateGCKey Your-Encryption-Key(This assumes you’ve already cd’d to the folder where you installed GenerateGCKey.)The output will look something like this:

mbpd@MBPD-Mini Desktop % ./GenerateGCKey bunnies
Input Key: bunnies
Encoded Input Key: YnVubmllc0IyNDQyNjEzMzI0RTY2N0U4QzFDMjgzMjY=
Encoded Input Key Hash: op9oADkxMvDtsJ+fjce3IjaAjmPufBDDPzq4y40KGR4=

The ‘Encoded Input Key’ is what you will use in gsutil. The ‘Encoded Input Key Hash’ is just a helpful reference value. If you supplied the wrong encryption key for the file you are downloading, gsutil will display the hash value of the encryption key it is expecting. This is useful if you used multiple keys and can’t remember the correct one to use.Download the ‘GenerateGCKey’ tool here.


Aug-24-2020 – Created Internally.

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