Error Numbers Reported by ChronoSync details and links to gain understanding as to the specific issue that might be generating an error

TNCS-0002 – Error Numbers Reported by ChronoSync

Created: February 13, 2014

ChronoSync reports a variety of error numbers for problems that occur during a synchronization. Since ChronoSync utilizes lower level file system routines provided in macOS to manipulate the files during synchronization, the error numbers are the same error numbers being generated by these file system routines. These numbers are cryptic and not very helpful in determining what exactly is going wrong during the sync. This document provides additional details and links to gain understanding as to the specific issue that might be generating an error.


The global list of macOS errors is available at:

Just search the above-referenced document for your error number and read the accompanying comment for a possible explanation. Contact the Econ Technologies Support Team if you need further help deciphering an error number.


Error -5000 'AFPACCESSDENIED' AFP Access Denied

This error indicates that you don’t have the correct access to one of the network volumes you have specified in your Sync Document Targets. To troubleshoot this issue, first test to see if you can copy the same troubled file using Finder without errors.

Do any of the files that generate the error already exist on the destination volume? If so, what happens when you delete one of the files and re-sync. Does the file sync or generate an error?

  1. Using ChronoSync open the sync document and switch to the Analyze Panel.
  2. Expand the file/folder list by clicking the disclosure triangle to the left. You should also check ‘Show All Items’ at the top.
  3. Locate that file that you just tested and select the file pair by clicking that line. Now choose ‘Actions->Force Synchronize->Force Once’ so the file becomes marked to sync.
  4. Then choose ‘Actions->Synchronize->Sync Selection’. Does it still work or does the error return.

Error -43 'FNFERR' File Not Found; Folder Not Found; Edition Container Not Found; Target Not Found

File not found errors occur when a file that has been scanned and selected for synchronization disappears during the actual file copy operation. By any chance is the file in active use while this sync document runs?

To troubleshoot this issue:

  1. Open your saved sync document and switch to the Options Panel.
  2. Under Reporting & Error Handling, enable ‘Automatic Retry before handling errors’.

With this enabled, if an error occurs during synchronization, ChronoSync will retry twice (if necessary) before an error is reported. Some errors, such as a file in use by other applications, may get cleared up by retrying.

Error -9082 'KBADLINKERR'

This error is generated by ChronoSync when copying a package file that either has a ‘bad’ symbolic link in it or cannot have the symbolic link recreated on the destination. A ‘bad’ symbolic link would be one that references a file that does not exist. Usually packages will have a self-referencing symlink inside them meaning there’s a symbolic link that references one of the files/folders within the packages. This is very common with code frameworks.

Enable ‘Dissect Packages’ on the Options Panel of your sync document to reveal the symlink(s) in question on the Analyze Panel. Just expand the package file on Analyze until you find the troubled file being reported. You can “Get Info” in Finder and see what item it is referring to. If the item being referenced exists within the package, then it’s possible the destination file system doesn’t support symbolic links (although that is unlikely).

To troubleshoot this issue, you can try deleting the troubled symlink(s) and recreating them to see if that resolves the errors in ChronoSync.

It should be noted that Finder ignores bad symbolic links in packages so when copying a package file with a bad synclink, the error goes unreported. We consciously decided to have CS report such problems because a bad symbolic link inside a package is essentially a corrupt file, even though it may just be ‘minimally’ corrupt.


Feb-13-2014 – Created from Internal Support Notes.

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